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How can I participate?

--past event--

Enter an original book for the 2016 children’s picture book contest, now live. 


You must register by November 15, 2016 before you submit your book. 

The contest submission deadline is December 15, 2016. 


Attend one of the FREE programs that are scheduled throughout the year!


Buy a t-shirt (funds raised will boost prizes for contest awards)


Volunteer to ... help a writer illustrate their story

Volunteer to ... help an illustrator write their story

Volunteer to ... help with one of the awesome FREE programs

Volunteer to ... help edit a writer's story draft


The seagull on the logo was named 'Gulliver'. 


Contact one of the four public libraries directly or email

What is the deadline? What are the guidelines?

The entry form registration deadline WAS November 15, 2016. 

The contest submission deadline is December 15, 2016.


General guidelines

Writers and illustrators must work, go to school, or live on Cape Ann


Open to all ages, all levels- this means professional is submitting alongside youth and hobbyist


Work must be original


Work should be appropriate for children who are prereaders, 2-8 years of age


Check back for specific requirements. General guidelines 


         -length ( 32pp is common) and media are open and will include a great range in styles 

         -all entries will be submitted on line

         -the author/illustrator name(s) will be hidden 

         -submissions with all stages of completion are eligible 

         -submission will require both text and visual samples, fully realized or incomplete

         -submission should reflect what each applicant feels best conveys their ideas for judging

         -submission could be a storyboard of a picture book

         -submission could be a series of sketches, or a few finished pages with a story outline.

         -dummies or thumb-nail submissions are ok and will likely require at least 2-4 finished images to convey visual vision 

         -submissions will likely require at least 10pp completed text pages to give idea of story and writing style, at least Font size 14

         -the submission deadline is December 15, 2016. (ed. The entry form deadline is November 15)

         -the judging will commence in January 2017 (panel to be announced soon)

         -1 book will be selected and published, a first printing edition value up to $10,000 (Juried Grand prize)

         -stay tuned for additional incentives and honors

         -stay tuned for exhibition details 


The Cape Ann libraries, museum and community partners planned a yearlong initiative to encourage community creativity, regional collaboration, and family literacy with children's picture books. 

I paint/draw, how can I be involved?

Glad you asked! What about:



Enter an original book for the new children’s picture book contest!



Sign up to collaborate with an author! We have started a list of writers seeking artists. 



If you have an idea for a GROUP created book, let us know! There are artists interested in volunteering for a drop in, work day session(s). 



Don' see what you're looking for? Let us know







I have a story but need an illustrator? I have images but need a writer?

Great! Please email and we will work to help you find a match.




I would like to participate in a writing group, is there one?

Ok! You were not alone; a few people made this request and Deborah Kelsey, Director of Sawyer Free Library has set up the following series:


We are pleased to announce free writers workshops for all ages at Sawyer Free Library on the 3rd Wednesday each month May - October, 1-2pm. They will be led by Amanda Cook of the Gloucester Writers Center. You can sign up to register here to help us plan. 


Keep in mind that the libraries will be hosting informational help sessions as needed and requested leading right up to the contest submission deadline. Check back 


Who will be the jury?

A distinguished Juror panel will vote. A kids Juror panel will vote. All books will be adjudicated without knowledge of the author/illustrator identity.   


One picture book will be selected in 2017--the 75th anniversary of the publication of Virginia Lee Burton’s A Little House ©1942, a 1943 Caldecott winner--for publication, date TBD (as soon as the author and illustrator are ready)



Can I get my story edited?

Tell us more. 



Any editors interested in volunteering please let us know. 


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