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Guidelines and Deadlines for 

Cape Ann creates for Cape Ann Reads 2016 Children's Picture Book Contest

Grand prize valued up to $10,000 



October 12, 2016

Steps to enter an original book for the new Cape Ann creates for Cape Ann Reads 2016 children’s picture book contest. Please read!

Scroll down to read through the complete steps and guidelines:

1. Confirm Eligibility. Cape Ann, MA, residents, all ages, students attending school on Cape Ann, and people who work on Cape Ann are invited to apply to the Cape Ann creates for Cape Ann Reads 2016 Children's Picture Book Contest! One winning book will be published by Cape Ann Reads in 2017, a first-edition printing prize valued up to $10,000! Read the general guidelines.


2. Sign up for gmail if you don’t already have one. Required.


3. Register by completing the Cape Ann Reads Entry Form by November 15, 2016, the first deadline to be aware of. REGISTRATION IS CLOSED


4. After registering, a unique identification number will be generated and emailed back to you from (add to your contacts) so that you can begin to submit your book to the 2016 CAR Children’s Picture Book Contest. 


5. You must register by November 15, 2016 else there won’t be time to receive what you’ll need to upload your book submission.


6. Note: You can submit up to 3 different book entries but each one will require a separate registration and unique identification number.


7. Ready your book. Make sure there is NO authorship identification visible except for the unique ID.


8. Books must be submitted digitally. Photograph or scan your book. Need help with your smartphone or don't have a scanner? Don't worry. Email to schedule an appointment at a library. 


9. Upload your book into your Google Drive (not Cape Ann Reads, yet.) (See How to upload your text and pictures into your Google drive so that you create a file to submit for the contest)  You can watermark pages with "2016 Cape Ann Reads #Unique ID". Replace #uniqueID with your code.


10. Save it to your google drive making sure to name it using your unique identification number preceded by 2016CAR. You will be provided with a link to upload your saved book into a dedicated Cape Ann Reads system folder.


contact email for the contest is

Check your gmail spam for the response if you don't see it.

Take time to read the guidelines listed below (copied and printed from the FAQ page)

March 01, 2016

General guidelines from FAQs published March 2016

Open to all ages, all levels- this means professional is submitting alongside youth and hobbyist


Book must be original and never before published


Work should be appropriate for children who are pre-readers, 2-8 years of age


Length (32 pp is common) and media are open 

         -all entries will be submitted digitally,on line

         -the author/illustrator name(s) will be hidden 

         -submissions with all stages of completion are eligible—the winning book will have 2017 to refine and ready for production 

         -submission will require both text and visual samples, fully realized or incomplete

         -submission should reflect what each applicant feels best conveys their ideas for judging

         -submission could be a storyboard of a picture book

         -submission could be a series of sketches, or a few finished pages with a story outline.

         -dummies or thumb-nail submissions are ok and will likely require at least 2-4 finished images to convey visual vision 

         -submissions will likely require at least 10pp completed text pages to give idea of story and writing style. Font size 14 (or larger)

         -the registration deadline is November 15, 2016

         -the submission deadline is December 15, 2016

         -the judging will commence January 2017 (panel to be announced)

         -1 book will be selected and first edition published (Juried Grand prize) valued up to $10,000

         -additional incentives and honors may be announced

         -stay tuned for exhibition details, readings, etc.

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